Chimney Safety
December 31, 2020

Public Safety Announcement from the CTVFC-

With the below average temperatures we have had an increase in chimney fires in Cranberry Township. Most of these fire are caused by incorrect care or inspection of a chimney. When you are looking to utilize your homes fire place/chimney we recommend having a professional look it over for the following items

-Cleanliness- It is important that the chimney is clean and free from creosote. This build up of dangerous chemicals can lead to a very hot fire. You also want to ensure you clean the fire box out regularly and remove any ash present. When you do this use a metal container and remove it from your home immediately.

-Inspection- Ensure that the entire chimney is looked over for cracks, spalling, or foreign objects (animals or nests.) These small spaces can lead to big problems.

-Combustibles- Ensure that you are utilizing the correct, seasoned fire wood.

-Fire load-Do not overload the firebox or use accelerants.

Lastly- ensure that there a working smoke detectors & fire extinguisher on each level of your home in all living spaces. A fire in chimney generally starts in the walls and ceilings that are attached to the chimney where it cannot be seen- early detection is key to them successfully being extinguished.